How to Fix Microsoft Outlook error 0xc0000005?

4 min readAug 8, 2020
Fix Microsoft Outlook error 0xc0000005

Summary: Sometimes, Microsoft Outlook Error 0xc0000005 occurs when users try to open this application on a corrupted Windows computer. This is due to various causes this fault appears in the PC. Less RAM space is the main reason behind this error. The notification of the error may arise because of the Dynamic Link Library which helps that running software is corrupted or incomplete. You might face this fault because of corrupted profile configuration, virus infection, etc.. If a user confronts this same issue, then resolve it quickly.

In this blog, we are going to discuss methods to resolve Outlook error 0xc0000005 code quickly. So, next, we begin with the reason for Outlook fault 0xc0000005.

Causes of Outlook error 0xc0000005:

Following are the reason for the error are:

  • Corrupt RAM
  • Faulty Hard drive
  • Incompletion of DLL data
  • Virus-infected
  • Improper window update
  • The issue in the Network
  • Profile configuration setting being corrupt
  • Antivirus problem

Above we discussed the reason for the error, Now we see the various methods to remove this error.

So stay connected with us to know about the method to resolve the error quickly.

How to fix Microsoft Outlook error 0xc0000005 by various approaches?

Usually, you get this error, and it can easily be removed with the approaches mentioned below.

Method 1: By checking Boot configuration data

Users may have corrupted files or virus-attacked on the PC. These types of corrupted files or malware may destroy your data files. So, users must examine the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) and may resolve the issue. The most important thing for this method is to make sure you have a window product activation key because it requires you to re-active the Windows after examining your BCD.

Steps for checking BCD are below:

  1. Turn on CMD as an administrator
  2. Enter “BCDEdit” and Select Okay.
  3. If the way to Boot Loader of windows is xOsload.exe, then it needs the elimination of some data files for repair BCD.
  4. When a user enters the command, the user can check the path in the “path” field icon option.
  5. Boot PC to Windows Repair. Enter in the command prompt to run the respective command

Execute Del D:\Windows\System32\xOsload.exe,then Okay

Execute Del D:\Windows\System32\xNtKrnl.exer, then Okay

Execute Del D:\Windows\System32\Drivers\oem-drv64.sys then Okay

Execute attrib c:\boot\bcd -h -r –s, then Okay

Execute ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old

Execute bootrec /rebuildbcd

Method 2: Running Outlook in safe mode

Run the MS Outlook in safe mode, to eliminate the faulty plug-ins. This helps users to browse through your MS Outlook Mailbox.

  1. Enter Win+R keys to open and type outlook.exe /safe
  2. Choose Outlook and then press OK. then MS Outlook will open in safe mode.
  3. Then try to fix the error

Method 3: Removing the Add-ins and fix outlook app

MS Outlook runs the same as in safe-mode but may have some error with the installed Add-ins. So, To resolve this follow the steps:

  1. Run Outlook and go to add-ins
  2. Enter command Add-ins and then click enter
  3. Remove all the Add-ins and then Press“Ok”
  4. Now check by restarting the Outlook and examine if Outlook fault 0xc0000005 is Remove.

Method 4: Resetting navigation pane

As the above-described approaches are insufficient in resolving the problem, then try it by resetting the pane of navigation.

  1. Turn off the Outlook and press Win key + R to run the window.
  2. Enter outlook.exe /resetnavpane in the dialog box
  3. On MS Outlook and examine if the issue is fixed.

Method 5:Disable the proxy setting

If the above-discussed method is ineffective then, try to solve it by disabling your proxy.

Users can disable it with Internet Explorer by using the following steps:

  1. Press on “Start” and go to the control panel.
  2. Choose “Internet Options” then “Connections” setting

In Google Chrome you can disable it by pressing on the lines located at the top right corner in the Google Chrome web browser. Then choose settings >- network >-change proxy settings.

  1. Then press on the LAN settings icon and unmark the box: Proxy server for LAN. Also, unmark all under Automatic configuration.
  2. Select OK, proxy settings are now changed

Method 6: By disabling Antivirus

Antivirus can also create problems from accessing your MS Outlook. Disabling Antivirus with the below steps:

  1. Go to control panel, then choose icon System & Security
  2. Move to Firewall and press the Windows Defender On or Off button.
  3. Close the firewall and enter okay

These were some manual methods through which you can troubleshoot the error. In a situation where you are unable to resolve the error, it means there are some major corruption errors in the PST data files. Don’t panic, users can still have the perfect and best solution. Try the third party utility tool to fastly repair the damaged file's data.

Users can try the PST Repair Tool that can recover all the data from the corrupt and damaged PST data file. The utility tool supports all available versions of Windows-based systems and including Win 10.


This blog showed you the solution and manual techniques to resolve the Microsoft Outlook error 0xc0000005 in PST files and we also recommend you go for a less time taking direct professional utility solution approach for hassle-free PST recovery. Therefore, users are easily able to choose the best approach by differentiating manual and professional utility tool approach techniques.

